Homemade mushroom soup recipe

Mushroom soup recipe

Ingredients: mushrooms, black pepper, potatoes, cabbage, milk, water, salt, herbs

for vegans or those can't take milk, you can use oatmilk or nut juice like almond "milk".

Smash and cut up king oyster mushrooms

Sweat the mushrooms and set it aside

Stir fry the cabbage and set it aside 

Cut up button mushrooms, sweat it 

Stir fry button mushrooms and boiled, diced potatoes

Add the stir-fried cabbage

Put the ingredients into a blender and let er rip

Cook the blended ingredients 

Add milk (we used oat milk for this recipe)

Add in the king oyster mushroom (for texture)

Add black pepper, salt, oregano, thyme or whatever herbs


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